Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eight weeks till the big day!

A client asked me for a guide on getting ready for her big day in eight weeks time so here are my guidelines on getting your skin!

1. The basics - time to get the foundations of a good skincare routine down. I am always amazed at how many people don't 'do' cleansing. Or who only cleanse when they wear makeup. Or my favourite pet hate - swish a wipe around now and again. Cleansing is key - you can spend a fortune on the most expensive moisturiser and it won't do a thing for you if you don't cleanse properly. I prefer cream cleansers - they are kinder to your skin and won't dry and strip all the natural oils. They will also remove eye makeup and mascara without pulling and dragging the delicate eye area. My favourite is an oldie but a goodie - Ponds Cold Creme. If you have an oilier skin or miss the feel of washing, a good tip is to massage the cream well and then run a facecloth under hot water, wring it out and remove the cream with the steaming cloth. For an added extra, add a couple of drops of essential oil to the hot water. Lavendar or rose oil if you have dry skin,  geranium or ylang ylang for an oilier skin.

2. Layering up! Previously we would have run straight from cleansing to moisturising but to really make a difference to your skin you have to start layering products underneath your moisturiser. This is where a serum or treatment really comes into its own. Used before your moisturiser, these are concentrated products and usually a few drops is all you need to see a real difference in your skin. My favourite for radiant skin is Vichy Aqualia Anti Ox. Its a vitamin C treatment that you mix up and store in your fridge. A couple of drops morning and night and in 21 days your skin is fresher and glowing. To really hydrate I love the Clarins facial oils - they also have one for oily or combination skin. Don't be afraid of oils if you have oily skin - they can do wonders!

3. Next up - moisturiser! A lot of women stress out about buying the right moisturiser but for me, if you have the serum/oil/treatment right, then the moisturiser is really about sealing this is, keeping the skin hydrated and protected. I love the Vichy range again for this, they have great products for both oily and dry skins as well as mature and younger skins. Also really like Dr. Haushka and Origins and Olay has a great range, although I think they have become a bit expensive.

4. Weekly facials - a lot of women panic when they hear facials and think its something only beauticans and spa's can do. While spa treatments are lovely and the massages are really relaxing, its not enough to have to odd treatment and expect to see a massive difference in your skin (plus they can be expensive!). You have to give yourself a facial every single week - but its not hard and it doesnt take hours. You have the basics happening already in the skincare routine above. Just a couple of extra's and you have a really good facial routine. I usually do this while a bath is running as the room is lovely and steamy plus  you get all the added benefits of relaxation (we hold a lot of stress in our faces so you will be suprised at how much better your skin is just by relaxing!). First up cleansing - use your usual cleanser but spend a minute more than usual massaging it in. Cleanse, rinse and then repeat. A double cleanse will get rid of the weeks grime and dead skin cells. Next, exfoliate. You have two choices here - the scrubby grainy type or the fruit acid type. The first works on friction, literally buffing off the dead skin, the second works on chemical reactions, the fruit acid 'eating' off dead skin. I like both options so I use Origins Never a Dull Moment scrub which has the grainy bits and papaya for the fruit acid part. Also like the Elemis Papaya Enzyeme Peel. Go easy on the exfoliating, the product will do the work so theres no need to scrub hard, you'll end up doing more harm than good. Once thats complete, rinse and its time for massage. Using a facial oil (see above for my favourites or make your own with a carrier oil plus your favourite essential oils, Boots have a good range) and spend about five minutes slowly massaging your face. Begin at the neck and work your way up - theres no wrong way, just go slow and be gentle and avoid the eye area.
Next up its mask time. I have tried literally tonnes of them and I keep coming back to two favourites. If I'm in a hurry, Bliss Triple Oxygen mask and if I'm going to be sitting in the bath for a while, Dermologica's Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque.
Lastly, once you have rinsed off your mask, pop on your treatment/oil/serum and your moisturiser as normal. And you're done!

5. Supplements - there are a lot of skin, hair and nail supplements available and they are good but they are also pricey. I recommend Starflower Oil & Vitamin E. Its brilliant for moisturising the skin from the inside out and I always notice a difference when  I take it, even my nails seem to grow faster and are stronger.

6. Food - a lot of women start cutting down on food when they are getting ready for their wedding or a big event - I recommend the opposite! Start looking at what you can ADD to every meal, not what you can cut down on. Can you add more protein (the building blocks of good skin, hair and nails) and can you add more fruit and veg. I hate veg so its always a challenge for me but I try to sneak in salad leaves or juice veg with fruit so I can't taste it or have a soup before my dinner or lunch.

7. Caffeine - it seems to suck the life out of skin, there's a grey tinge to skin when people over do the coffee, tea and coke. Try and swap a couple for herbal tea's and you will see a difference and it will help your hydration levels.

8. Which brings me to my next step - water! Everyone thinks they drink loads of water because they have a cup of it on their desks at work or a bottle in their handbags but I would bet most people aren't drinking nearly enough, especially if you also drink hydration sapping coffee, tea, coke or wine! I usually set myself a goal, say to drink two litres before a certain time - so you could get a two litre bottle in the morning and try to have it finished before work ends.

9. Don't be tempted by sunbeds - I know we all would love that tanned glow but I have seen a lot of brides come the wedding morning with cold sores brought on by the sunbed use, sun spots that need covering, burns on their backs and general blotchiness. And thats before we get into the general dangers of sunbed use.

10. Exercise - nothing mad, even a short walk with the dog will get oxygen into your skin and get it glowing like nothing else! Yoga and pilates are also brilliant for getting oxygen to your skin.

And thats it - if you can manage to stick to the above for eight weeks, you will see the difference in your skin. And just a final note, the above products work for me and my clients - I recommend everyone always checks labels for anything they might be allergic to and asks for a sample or to try the product before buying...just in case!

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