Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to ensure a stress free wedding morning

Here are my top five tips to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible on the morning of the big day!

1. Delegate - don't try and do everything yourself, use your bride privilege and get a bit bossy! One wedding I was at ran so smoothly because the bride had a 'runner' - someone who could go and do those last minute jobs that crop up no matter what. The runner wasn't one of the bridal party so had plenty of time to dedicate to getting everything sorted out, from dropping off mass booklets to collecting flowers to tying ribbons on cars.
2.Clear some space specially for preparation - a table and chair near some natural light for the makeup artist; a chair and a full length mirror near some sockets for the hair sylist; a nice space where your dress is hanging for the photographer to get some 'before shots'
3. Put some music on - get into the mood with a wedding playlist (check out last weeks newsletter for some song suggestions
4. Get layering - use a shower gel and body lotion with the same scent as your wedding perfume to make sure it lasts all day
5. Give yourself plenty of time - start early so you can take a break, have a cuppa and a bacon sandwich, chat with your family and don't get stressed - remember it will all come together!