Monday, October 25, 2010

Gloss Look the Business

Well, cant think of a better first post than to blog about the Gloss Look the Business Event in the Mansion House last Wednesday!
It was an amazing night, starting with the red carpet welcome (including embarassing interview with moi on the way in, I blame the hat, I was way too noticeable) followed by champers, more champers, fab dinner and fashion show.
Keeping the night under control was Sonya Lennon who looked fab and introduced beautiful, not a hint of recession fashion from Victoria Beckham, Stella McCartney and for the real world, M&S.
There was also a makeup demo from Christine Lucignano using Estee Lauder (who kindly donated some fab treats for the goodie bags) plus some amazing prizes!
Thanks to Vodafone for the invite and to Gloss for a fab night..
